Page:Vedic Grammar.djvu/337

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VII. VERB. PRESENT SYSTEM. ácaran (AV.), acalan (AV.), ajanan, ájayan (AV.), átakṣan, átaran, átişthan, atrasan, ádasan, adravan, adhrajan, anakṣan, ánaman (AV.), ánayan, ápinvan², apiban* (AV.), ábharan, ábhavan, ábhusan, ámadan, ámandan, áyacchan (AV.), áyācan (AV.), árakṣan, árājan (AV.), ávadan, ávapan (AV.), ávardhan ³, ávahan, aresan (Vvis-), ásamsan, aśikṣan (AV.), aśrayan (AV.), áṣṭhīvanª (AV.), ásredhan, ásvaran; ájan, ayan (AV.), árcan³, ávan³, dijan (ej- ‘stir'), auhanº (AV.); jinvan, táksan, tsáran (AV.), dádan¹ (AV.), bharan, bhusan, śrosan, sīdan ¹. 2. ágāhathās (AV.), ápavathās, 3. akalpata³ (AV.), atakṣata, apinvata², abādhata, ámamhata, ámanthata, ámandata, áramhata, arakṣata, árocata, ávartata, avardhata, ávalgata (AV.), áśapata; ájata, áyata; áikṣata ¹⁰ (AV.), auhata (uh- 'remove'); cakṣata, janata, nakṣata, nimsata, badhata, rejata. IO Du. 2. ábadhetham, árabhathām (AV.). ábhyasetām", árejetam; áikṣetām ¹º. 3. akrpetām, aprathetām, Pl. 3. ákalpanta (AV.), akrpanta, ákhananta, ágacchanta, ajananta, atisthanta, ádadanta¹, adhavanta ¹2, anamanta (TS.Iv. 6. 26), ánayanta, ána- vanta, apacanta, aprathanta, ábhajanta, abhayanta, ábharanta, ayajanta, ara- manta, árejanta, avadanta, ávartanta, ávardhanta, avepanta (AV.), ávradanta, áśamanta (TS. IV. 6. 3²), ásacanta, ásapanta, ásahanta; áikṣanta¹⁰ (AV. TS.); īşanta, krpanta, jananta, navanta, prathanta, bhájanta (AV.), bhananta, mananta, vapanta. Middle. Sing. 1. atisthe (AV.). ámandathas, árocathas; gáhathās (AV.). 2. The suffixally accented á- class (tudá-) ¹³. 429. Nearly one hundred roots belong to this class. The radical vowel is almost always medial, being regularly i, u or r. If the vowel is final, which is very rare, it is almost invariably short. As the -a is accented, the radical vowel appears in its weak form; e. g. huv-á- (but according to the radically accented class, háv-a-) from hu- 'call'. less an aorist see WHITNEY, Roots, under Ykram. I Transfer form from the reduplicating class. a. There are, however, some irregularities in the formation of the present stem. 1. Several roots instead of appearing in their weak form, are nasalized: krt- ‘cut' : kṛntá-; trp- 'be pleased': trmpá-; pis-'adorn': pimśá-; muc- 'release': muñcá-; lip- 'smear': limpá-; lup- 'break': lumpá-; vid- "find': vindá-; sic- 'sprinkle': siñcá, A few other roots occasionally have nasalized forms according to this class: thus tundate, beside the regular tudáti etc., from tud 'thrust'; dymhéthe, beside drmhata, etc., from drh- 'make firm'; sumbhánt:,

2 Transfer from the -nu class. 3 árcān (IV. 55²; V. 315) and várdhan are given as indicatives by DELBRÜCK 91, followed by AVERY 249. Cp. p. 322, note ¹0. 4 From stīv- 'spue'. originally *sthīv- : cp. v. NEGELEIN 24, note 6: the root is there wrongly given as sfīv. 5 asthan (AV. XIII. 15) is given by v. NEGE- LEIN 18, note I as imperfect of as; but see WHITNEY's note on AV. XIII. 15. — 6 akrpran being formed with the ending -ran (DELBRÜCK 124) is doubtless an aorist; cp. WHITNEY, Roots under krp-. See below, 500. 327 7 sran (IV. 219) according to DELBRÜCK, Verbum 89 (p. 63, middle), followed by AVERY 249, for *asara-n; but avasran is 3. pl. aor. of vas- 'shine' with ending -ran (not ava-sran: accent!). Cp. WHITNEY, Roots, under vas 'shine'. 8 DELBRÜCK 176 and AVERY 247 give akrivata as (once) a 3. sing. If this is correct, the form would be a transfer for akṛṇuta. 9 ámata is given by DELBRÜCK 101 and AVERY 247 as belonging to this class (presumably from the root am-), but it is doubtless 3. sing. mid. aor. of man- 'think'; see WHITNEY, Roots, under Vman. 10 From iks- 'see'. 11 From bhyas- ‘fear'. 12 VII. 18¹5: from dhav- 'run' = dhanv-. 13 Cp. E. LEUMANN, Die Herkunft der 6. Praesensklasse im Indischen (Actes du x. Cong. Intern. Orient. II. I, 39-44; IF. 5, Anz. 109; KZ. 34, 587 ff.).