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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. instances uncertain which was the original sound. Thus it is somewhat doubtful whether the -uh of the abl. gen. sing. of y-stems and of the 3. pl. act. of past tenses represents original us or ur. In the verbal form, ther in the corre- sponding middle termination of the perfect, -re, seems to decide in favour of ur¹. 72 I. a. Before vowels and voiced consonants (except r itself) / remains not only when preceded by i ², but by à also³; e. g. gir | iṣá (1. 117¹); púr devatrá (VII. 52'); prātár agniḥ (v. 18¹); púnar naḥ (x. 575); svar druhó (II. 35°) 4. b. Before r, r disappears, after lengthening a preceding vowel; e. g. púnā rūpáni (AV. I. 24). In a few instances, however, o appears instead of a (ar), under the influence of -ah as the pause form of neuters in -as; thus údho romaśám (VIII. 319), for údha; and the compound aho-ratrá- 'day and night', for ahā-. 2. Before voiceless consonants final is as a rule treated like s. a. Before the gutturals k kh and the labials p ph, it becomes h under the influence of the pause form; e. g. púnaḥ kaléḥ (x. 39³); punaḥ pátnīm (x. 85³9); púnaḥ-punar (1. 92¹0). But that the originally remained before these consonants is shown by its survival in the compounds púr-pati-, svàr-pati-, vār-kāryá-, ahár-pati- (VS.). But even here the pause form was gradually introduced; e. g. svàh-pati (SV.); it supplanted the r of antár throughout; e. g. antaḥ-péya- 'drinking up'; antaḥ-kośá- (AV.) 'inside of a store-room'; antaḥ-parśavyá- (VS.) 'flesh between the ribs'; antaḥ-pātrá- (AV.) 'interior of a vessel'; and because the pause form of r and s was identical, the Sandhi of s came to be applied here even in the RV.; thus ántas-patha- 'being on the way' (for ántar-); cátus-kaparda- 'having four braids', cátus-păd- 'four-footed' (for cátur-). b. Before the palatals c ch, final invariably (like s) becomes the palatal sibilant s'; e. g. pús ca (1. 189²) for púr ca. This applies almost always even in compounds; e. g. cátus-catvarimśat (VS.) 'forty-four'. There are only two examples of the being retained even here: svàr-cakşas- 'brilliant as light', svár-canas- 'lovely as light'. c. Before dental t, final is without exception treated like s; e. g. gis tribarhíși (1.1818) for gir; cátus-trimśat 'thirty-four' for cátur-. The retention of before t in āvar támaḥ (1.924) is only apparently an exception, as this really stands for avart támaḥ5. d. Before sibilants, final appears in its pause form as Visarjanīya in sentence Sandhi, e. g. púnaḥ sám (11. 384). In compounds, however, it 1 Cp. WACKERNAGEL I, 284 note (p. 335). | as the form would originally have been 2 A list of root-stems in -ir and -ur will pronounced at the end of an internal Pāda. be found in GRASSMANN's Wörterbuch 1693 údho for udhar, which appears before u —1694, columns 3–4. and m, is due to the influence of neuters 3 is original in dvår- 'door'; vấr- ‘pro- in as, the pause form of which, -aḥ, would tector'; vár- 'water'; áhar- 'day'; uşár- 'dawn'; be the same as of those in -ar. The form udhar udder'; vádhar- 'weapon'; vanar- avó, for avár 'down', which appears be- 'wood'; và 'light'; antár 'within'; avár fore d (avó diváḥ v. 406, etc.; but before 'down'; púnar ‘again'; prātár 'early'; the m, avár maháḥ, 1. 1336), is due to the voc. ofy-stems, e. g. bhrátar; the 2. 3. sing. of influence of páro diváh and páro divá (for past tenses from roots in -?, e. g. avar, from páras), cp. RPr. 1. 32. avo before a, d, m, ur- 'cover'. explained by BENFEY (SV. XL and 176) as standing for avar is probably from vas- 'shine' (cp. WACKERNAGEL I, P. 335, top). 5 Cp. above 62, 1. 4 áha evá (VI. 487) for áhar evá is due to áhaḥ, the pause form of áhar, being treated like that of a neuter in -as, áhas. In akṣā indur (1x. 983) for akṣār índur (Pp. akṣār), the editors of the Samhita misunderstood akṣāḥ,