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86 I. Allgemeines UND Sprache . 4. Vedic Grammar.

44. Derivatives formed with the suffix -sa sometimes accent the root, sometimes the suffix; e. g. grt-sa- 'adroit', ut-sa- m. 'fountain', but prk-sd- 'dappled', ghram-sd- m. 'sun's heat'.

45. The suffix -snu is always accented; e. g. ji-sim- Victorious', vrdh-a- snu- 'joyful', car-i-snu- 'wandering', ni-sat-snu- 'sitting down', tapay-i-snu- 'tormenting', abhi-socay-i-snu- (AV.) 'causing torments'.

B. In secondary derivation five groups of stems may be distinguished with regard to accentuation : a. those which accent the suffix, being formed with -ayand, -dyf, -dyya, -in, -iya, -ma, -iya, -mi, -inya, -td, -tav-ya, -tvd, -tvd-ta, -tvand, -md, -mdya, -min, -mnd, -yin, -vd, -vat, -vald, -vin; b. those in which the suffix is not accented, being formed with -taya, -tara, -ta, -tat, -tati, -tya, -vya; c. those in which only the first syllable is accented, being formed with -i and -ni; d. those in which either the first or the last syllable is accented, being formed by means of Vrddhi with the suffixes -eya, -a or -na (the last two also without Vrddhi); e. those in which the accent is sometimes on the suffix, and sometimes on one or other syllable of the primitive stem, being formed with the suffixes -a, -ani, -ima, -z, -ka, -tana or -tna, -tama, -tha, -bha, -mant, -ya, -ra, -la, -van, -vant, -vaya, -sa. The following is a detailed account of the accent in derivatives formed with the above secondary suffixes in their alphabetical order.

1. Stems formed with the suffix -a and Vrddhi of the first syllable from primitive stems ending in -a are predominantly accented on the final syllable. This is, however, mostly the case when the primitive is accented on any syllable other than the last; e. g. amitrd- 'hostile' from amitra- 'foe', narasamsd- 'belonging to Nara-samsa', saucadrathd-, patronymic from sucdd-ratha- 'having a shining car', pavamand- 'relating to the clear-flowing (pdvamana-) Soma'. In several instances, however, the primitive stem is also oxytone, e. g. kauHkd- 'belonging to Kusika'. On the other hand, stems formed with Vrddhi sometimes accent the first syllable, when the primitive is otherwise accented; e. g. mdd/iyamdina- 'belonging to midday' {madhydin-dina-), sdubhaga- n. 'luck' from su-bhdga- 'lucky', vAdhryasva- 'descendant of Vadhryasva'. The derivative ddivodasa- 'belonging to Divodasa' is, however, formed from a stem similarly accented (divo-dasa-).

A similar rule prevails in the accentuation of stems derived from other primitives by means of the suffix -a and Vrddhi of the first syllable; e. g. ayas-d- 'made of metal' (dyas-), saumanas-d- 'benevolence' from su-mdnas- ' well-disposed'; also sometimes from stems similarly accented, as paidv-d- 'belonging to Pedu'. On the other hand, the first syllable is accented in derivatives from primitives mostly accented on the last; e. g. parthiva- 'earthly' from prthivi- 'earth', maghona- 'belonging to the bountiful one' {maghdvan-); but sometimes also from stems similarly accented, as nahus-a- 'neighbouring' from ndhus- 'neighbour'. The accentuation is similar when the secondary -a is added without Vrddhi; e. g. parus-d- 'knotty' from pdrus- 'knot', but hdrit-a- 'fallow' from harit-.

2. The suffix -a forming feminines to masculines in -a retains the accent on the same syllable as in the masculine; e. g. priyd- beside priyd- 'dear'.

3. Stems formed with the somewhat rare suffix -arii accent one of the last three syllables; t. g. indrani- 'wife oflndra', mudgalam- 'viiit oi yiAAgaXaJ , purukutsarii- 'wife of Purukiitsa', usTndratn- 'queen of the UsTnaras'.

4. The only example of the patronymic suffix -a/ana in the RV. kanv-ayana- 'descendant of Kanva' is unaccented (occurring in the voc. only); the final syllable seems to have been accented iAgm%yj daks-ayand-