Page:Vermin killer (1).pdf/15

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Hedgehogs always make their cave or cabin contrary to the wind.


Foxes are great destroyers of lambs, poultry, geese, &c. to destroy which, take a sheeps paunch, and tie it to a long stick, then rub your shoes well upon it, that he may not scent your sweaty feet; draw this paunch after you as a trail, a mile or more, and bring it near some thick headed tree; leave your paunch, and get into the tree with a gun, and as it begins to be dark, you will see him come after the scent of the trail, where you may shoot him; draw the trail if you can to the windward of the tree.

a spring trap for a fox or badger.

Bend down a stick in the wood, or set a pole in the ground where he uses to come, much like that set up for a woodcock, which hangs them up. To explain it better; tie a string to some pole set fast in the ground, and to this string make fast a small short stick made thin on the upper side, with a notch at the lower end of it; then set another stick fast in the ground, with a nich under it; then bend down the pole, and let both the nicks or notches join as slight as may be; then open the noose of the string, and place it in his path or walk, and if you lay pieces of cheese, flesh, or such like, it will entice him that way.

a hook to take a fox, tied to a tree or gibbet.

This hook is made of large wire, and turns on a swivel, like the collar of a greyhound; it is frequently used in catching wolves, but oftener for the fox. They hang it from the gronnd so high that he must leap to catch it; and bait it with flesh, liver, cheese, &c. and if you run a trail with a sheep's paunch, as before directed, it will draw him the more easily to the bait.