Page:Victor Hugo's Works (Guernsey Edition) v14.djvu/48

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Scene.—A room in the house of Bertuccio, hung with tapestry; a coloured statue of the Madonna in a recess, with a small lamp burning before it; carved and coloured furniture; a carved cabinet and large carved coffers; in the centre a window opening on the street, with a balcony; behind the tapestry, a secret door communicating with the street, L. 2 E.; a door, R. 2 E.; a lamp lighted; a lute and flowers; a missal on a stand before the statue, a recess concealed by the tapestry, L. 3 E.


Torelli and Brigitta discovered, C.


Hark, there 's the quarter. You must hence, fair signor.


But a few moments more of your sweet presence!


Saint Ursula, she knows, 't is not my will
That drives you hence; but if my master found
That I received a man into the house,
'T were pity of my place, if not my life.


Your master is a churl, that would condemn
These maiden blooms to wither on the tree.


Churl you may call him! Why, he'd have the house
A prison. If you heard the coil he keeps