Page:Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong.djvu/162

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fine body of men if we did not acknowledge the utility of their presence in this colony hitherto, under the circumstances which called for it. The regiment is well known in Victoria, and if it be true, what is rumoured, namely, that it is at no remote period to leave this hemisphere for more active service, the colonists will have sufficient confidence, from the opportunities that have been afforded them of judging, in the future career of the 99th regiment being as glorious as that of any of those regiments which are now sustaining the fame of the British soldier before the walls of Sebastopol.

"The affability and courtesy of the officers, and the general good behaviour of the men, can be attested by all who have come in contact with them; and we are sure, in wishing the regiment God speed, that our sentiments will be generally participated in. The following officers will embark with the regiment, on board the City of Hobart:—Colonel Jackson, commanding; Captains Deering, Blamire, Montgomerie, Stoney, and Isdell; Lieutenants MacDonald, Nunn, and Ravenhill, and Dr. Carroll, Assistant Surgeon. The two guns will also be embarked, under the charge of Lieut. Akres, Royal Engineers."—Argus, March 14, 1855.

Accounts were also daily received of the continued danger of Captain Wise. It appears that he, as stated in the despatch, before quoted, of Captain Thomas, had charge of his company on the morning of the 3rd, and whilst leading them gallantly