Page:Vida's Art of Poetry.djvu/65

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VIDA's Art of

With so much art so well conceal'd; they please
When wrought with skill, and introduc'd with ease.
Should not [1] Anchises, such occasion shown,
Resolve the questions of his god-like son?
If souls depriv'd of heav'ns fair light repair
Once more to day, and breath the vital air?
Or if from high Olympus first they came,
Inspir'd with portions of ethereal flame,
Tho' here encumber'd with the mortal frame?
Tire not too long one subject when you write,
For 'tis variety that gives delight;
But when to that variety inclin'd,
You seek new objects to relieve the mind;
Be sure let nothing forc'd or labour'd seem,
But watch your time, and steal from off your theme.
Conceal with care your longing to depart,
For art's chief glory 'tis, to cover art.
So [2] Mulciber in future ages skill'd,
Engrav'd Rome's glories on Æneas' shield,
On the bright orb her future fame enroll'd,
And with her triumphs charg'd the rising gold;

  1. Vid. Æneid. Lib. 6.
  2. Æn. Lib 8. v. 626.
