Page:Vida's Art of Poetry.djvu/82

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Book II.

Fierce Juno storms amidst the blest abodes,
And stuns with loud complaints the list'ning gods.
When youthful [1] Turnus the stern combat claims,
His heart beats courage, and his soul's in flames,
Impell'd by rage, and bent to prove his might,
His soul springs forward, and prevents the fight;
Rouz'd to revenge, his kindling spirits glow,
Confirm his challenge, and provoke the foe,
The fugitive of Troy.----But while his rage
And youthful courage prompts him to engage;
On Latium's king incumbent it appears,
Grown old in prudence, piety, and years,
To weigh events, and youthful heat asswage,
With the cold caution, and the fears of age.
In Dido's various character is seen,
The furious lover, and the gracious queen;
When Troy's fam'd chief commanded from above,
Prepares to quit her kingdom, and her love;
She raves, she storms with unavailing care,
Grown wild with grief, and frentick with despair.

  1. Æneid. Lib. 12. vers. 9.
