Page:Vindication Women's Rights (Wollstonecraft).djvu/309

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knowledge. No, ſhe was quite feminine, according to the maſculine acceptation of the word; and, ſo far from loving theſe ſpoiled brutes that filled the place which her children ought to have occupied, ſhe only liſped out a pretty mixture of French and Engliſh nonſenſe, to pleaſe the men who flocked round her. The wife, mother, and human creature, were all ſwallowed up by the factitious character which an improper education and the ſelfiſh vanity of beauty had produced.

I do not like to make a diſtinction without a difference, and I own that I have been as much diſguſted by the fine lady who took her lap-dog to her boſom inſtead of her child; as by the ferocity of a man, who, beating his horſe, declared, that he knew as well when he did wrong, as a Chriſtian.

This brood of folly ſhews how miſtaken they are who, if they allow women to leave their harams, do not cultivate their underſtandings, in order to plant virtues in their hearts. For had they ſenſe, they might acquire that domeſtic taſte which would lead them to love with reaſonable ſubordination their whole family, from their huſband to the houſe-dog; nor would they ever inſult humanity in the perſon of the moſt menial ſervant by paying more attention to the comfort of a brute, than to that of a fellow-creature.

My obſervations on national education are obviouſly hints; but I principally wiſh to enforce the neceſſity of educating the ſexes together to perfect both, and of making children ſleep at home that they may learn to love home; yet to make private ſupport, inſtead of ſmothering, pub-
