Page:Virgil's Pastorals, Georgics and Aeneis - Dryden (1709) - volume 3.djvu/356

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Notes and Observations

Principal Commanders. The Heavenly Messenger takes his way to an Ancient Monastery; not doubting there to find Silence in her pri­mitive Abode. But instead of Silence finds Discord: The Monks, being divided into Factions, about the choice of some New Officer, were at Snic and Snee with their drawn Knifes. The Satyr needs no Expla­nation. And here it may be also observ'd, that Ambition, Jealousie, and Worldly Interest, and point of Honour, had made variance both in the Cloyster and the Camp; and strict Discipline had done the Work of Silence, in Conducting the Christian Army to surprise the Turks.

Aeneid 1. Line 111. ‘And make thee Father of a happy Line.’ This was an obliging Promise to Eolus; who had been so unhappy in his former Children, Macareus and Canacè.

Line 196. The Realms of Ocean, and the Fields of Air Are mine, not his.

Poetically speaking, the Fields of Air, are under the Command of Juno; and her Vicegerent Eolus. Why then does Neptune call them His? I answer, because being God of the Seas, Eolus could raise no Tempests in the Atmosphere above them without his leave. But why does Juno Address to her own Substitute? I answer, He had an im­mediate Power over the Winds, whom Juno desires to employ on her Revenge. That Power was absolute by Land; which Vir­gil plainly insinuates: For when Boreas and his Brethren were let loose,