Page:Virgil's Pastorals, Georgics and Aeneis - Dryden (1709) - volume 3.djvu/382

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Notes and Observations

certed betwixt our Author and his Friend Horace, to hinder Augustus from Re-building Troy, and removing thither the Seat of Empire, a de­sign so unpleasing to the Romans? But of this, I am not positive, be­cause I have not consulted d'Acier, and the rest of the Criticks, to ascer­tain the time in which Horace writ the Ode relating to that Subject.

L. 1224, & 1225.Deep in the dismal Regions, void of Light,
Three Sisters, at a Birth, were born to Night.

The Father of these, (not here mention'd) was Acheron: the Names of the three, were Alecto, Maegera, and Tysiphone. They were call'd Fu­ries in Hell, on Earth Harpies, and in Heaven Dirae: Two of these assisted at the Throne of Jupiter, and were employed by him, to punish the wickedness of Mankind. These two must be Megaera, and Tysiphone: Not Alecto: For Juno expresly commands her to return to Hell, from whence she came; and gives this Reason.

Te super Aetherias errare licentius auras,
Haud Pater ipse velit summi Regnator Olympi:
Cede locis.

Probably this Dira, un-nam'd by the Poet in this Place; might be Tysiphone, for though we find her in Hell, in the sixth Æneid, employ'd in the punishment of the damn'd,