Page:Virgil - The Georgics, Thomas Nevile, 1767.djvu/104

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Book IV.

Frisk on the flow'rs, or roving heifer bruise
The springing herbs, and brush away the dews.
The merops and the speckled lizard drive 15
With back all-scaly from the luscious hive,
The plumy kind, and Procne, on her breast
That bears the marks of bloody hands imprest:
Wide all around they waste, and ravening seize,
To their keen young delicious food, the bees. 20
But near be mossy pools, and clear founts seen;
May rills swift-trickling sparkle thro' the green;
A palm, or olive spread his branchy arms
O'er their hive's portal; that, when first the swarms,
Led by new Kings, enjoy the sunny hour, 25
And from their chambers the youth playful pour,
The bank may tempt them with a cool retreat,
And the tree's shade afford a shelt'ring seat.
In the mid water (if it stand, or flow)
Stones of large size, and transverse willows throw, 30
To serve as bridges, where the bees may land,
And to the solar gleam their wings expand,
Should some late loit'rers rue bleak Eurus' blast,
Scatter'd, or whelm'd beneath the watry waste.
Let verdant Casia near the spot abound, 35
And strong Serpyllum fling rich odours round,
