Page:Virgil - The Georgics, Thomas Nevile, 1767.djvu/120

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Book IV.

Her yellow locks Lycorias here display'd,
Near her Cydippe; this a spotless maid,
That fresh from the first pangs Lucina sends:
Clio with Beroe the Queen attends, 400
Daughters of Ocean, gorgeous to behold,
Both girt with painted skins, both bright with gold:
Thalia, Opis, Ephyre: there was found
Deiopeia of the marshy ground:
Swift Arethusa, huntress now no more: 405
'Mong these was Clymene, recounting o'er
The loves of all the Gods from Chaos' reign:
On Vulcan's fruitless cares then ran the strain,
Mars's sweet thefts, and wanton wiles: the song,
Their spindles turning, charm'd the list'ning throng.
Again his mother's ear the shepherd's moan 411
Struck: in amazement on her crystal throne
Each Nereid sat; first from her pearly bed
Rearing above the wave her yellow head,
Sister Cyrene! Arethusa cries, 415
Not without cause these wailing sounds surprise:
Lo! hanging sad o'er Father Peneus' deeps,
Your pride, your Aristæus stands, and weeps;
You, you he calls, and calls by name, unkind.
At this, new horrors seiz'd the mother's mind; 420
