Page:Virgil - The Georgics, Thomas Nevile, 1767.djvu/68

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Book II.

With dugs distended strutting kine are seen,
And the fat kids frisk butting on the green. 590
Stretcht on the grass himself on festal days,
As with crown'd goblets by the brightning blaze
His comrades stand, Lenæus! calls on thee,
Pouring libation large, and hangs a tree
With prizes for the swains, the dart who fling, 595
And bares the wrestlers for the rustic ring.

Such was the life th' Etrurians, Sabines led;
Thus Remus and his Brother once were bred;
Rome by these arts the world's great wonder rose,
Proud her sev'n hills with ramparts to enclose; 600
And ere Dictæan Jove commenc'd his reign,
Ere impious mortals heap'd with oxen slain
The genial board, a life of rural ease
In golden days ev'n Saturn's self could please:
No brazen trump had learn'd men's ears to wound,
Nor swords on anvils sent a clatt'ring sound. 606

But such a vast career some respite needs,
And the time calls to loose the steaming steeds.