Page:Virgil - The Georgics, Thomas Nevile, 1767.djvu/71

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YOU, mighty Pales! and Amphrysian Swain,
Worthy of mem'ry! now invite my strain;
Ye woods too of Lycæus, and ye streams!
Grateful to vacant minds all other themes
Are hackney'd quite: of harsh Eurystheus' hate 5
Who has not heard? the stripling Hylas' fate?
Who knows not the disprais'd Busiris' deeds,
Latonian Delos' tale, and him, in steeds
Unrivall'd, whom Hippodame could charm,
Pelops, illustrious for his ivory arm? 10
I too from earth to lift myself will try,
And on the wings of Fame adventurous fly:
