Page:Visions, discoveries and warnings of the dreadful and terrible judgements upon Scotland, England and Ireland (1).pdf/11

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upon Scotland, England, and Ireland.

21. Jan 13. At night, being awake, I was inſtantly caſt into a deep ſleep, and it was ſaid unto me, I have caſt you into a trance to diſcover things onto thre, and I ſaw a white ſheet, let down from a great height to the bedſide, tied at the four corners, and ſettled, as I thought, upon my knees, and faſtening my eyes upon it I ſaw upon one ſide, a part of every ſort of fowls, and at the other ſide cut pieces of ſleſh, and as I was thinking upon it, it was ſaid to me, I will tell thee the meaning, the fowls are the generality of this generation, and the ſleſl is the remnant, which is to let thee ſee the good and bad live in one community together, and none of them will eſcape ny ſtroke that will come upon this land, for I am provoked to anger by this generation in this place by the following ſins, pride, whoredom, curfing, ſwearing, lying, ſtealing, and walkingcontrary to my commands every way, that I am provoked even by their buying and ſelling, for which I have two rods. the rod of mine anger, and the rod of my jealouſys wherewith I will even purſue there to the wilderneſs of Zin, and there will I let them ſee the want of bread and water.

22. Another time being awake, there was a voice ſpoke to me ſaying, that the iſle between Kintyre and Carrick; which ſhould occaſion great blood both in the eaſt and weſt of Scotland, and particularly in the forth of Carrick; then I perceived four ſhips, which received a commiſſion to come to Loch killicran, called the ſhips of Tarſhifn; which were to raze this place by burning houſes, which ſhould make the inhabitants to flee to the mountains, they that take hold of me by prayer for their refuge, will be ſafe: but there that take not hold of me for their ſhelter, tho! the common enemy should not purſue them, yet they ſhall not eſcape my judgements which I will indict upon them, whether by petulence or any other ſtroke; for there are many ſhips gathered hither, ſome for plunder, ſome for accompliſhing the ſtroke, yet they shall be all broken, and ſcattered by very ſmall means, particularly I apprehend one ſmall ſhip, which fought a great parcel of theſe ſhips.

23. In the ſame month, as I was ſitting in my bed, I ſaw as it had been the ſhape of an ax, laid before me in the bed all crushed together in one lump, and the houffel of