Page:Visions, discoveries and warnings of the dreadful and terrible judgements upon Scotland, England and Ireland (1).pdf/19

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upon Scotland, England, and Ireland.

38. March 26th About the middle of the day, I ſaw a man in a viſion, a man of a very high ſtature and angry conntenance, ſaying, that this land and people had wronged him of his name and title, which pertained to him, as ſupreme head of the church, in that they had nicknamed him by the name of the curſed prelate, and hath given me another name, which they call Fanatic. Then there appeared to me another man, of a very comel geſture, who enquired, who it was that ſpoke with me? I answered, I cannot tell He ſaid, I will tell thee, it is Antichriſt, who is diſpleaſed for wronging his name, and then ſpoke thus praiſe be to him that rides in heaven, by his name JAH, his name for ever and ever ſhall endure; and repeated many names which the Lord takes to himſelf, he was ſuch a ſhining geſture, as I cannot venture to expreſs. This I ſaw under the viſion of a great light.

39. That ſame night, about ten o'clock, I was awakened out of ſleep, with a ſurpriſing light, as if there had been no houſe above me, but the clouds all in light; and while I was admiring it, I heard one ſaying to me, look about thee, which, when I did, I ſaw a great cloud coming from the ſouth, very black and great, it neither touched the clouds above, nor the earth beneath, then he ſaid, that cloud is a combination of France, Spain, Italy, and Rome, for ruining Britain, and Ireland: I anſwered what ſhall we do in ſuch a dark time, ſuch a dark cloud, which we are not able to refit? He said, ye mut do as a man doth that hath a great ſwarm of bees, which he cannot get commanded: he taketh a vessel, and casteth water amongst them, by which he maketh them fall to the ground, and ſo they neither sting nor wrong Sim, until he pitch them into the skap which he had deſigned for them. Then I ſaid, what water can we cast upon so great an army that can harm them? He anſwered, the vengeance of Almighty God: to which I anſwered, can we take he water, or command the vengeance of Almighty God? He replied, You muſt call to God, by prayers in faith, for he keepss the cup of vengeance in his own hand, and will throw it in among them, which will make them will fall to the ground like bees, and they fall not move until he put them into