Page:Visions, discoveries and warnings of the dreadful and terrible judgments, upon Scotland, England and Ireland which were revealed to John Porter.pdf/11

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thou haſt brought thyſelf very near that word, He that denieth me before men, him will I deny before my Father which is in heaven: yet I own thee to be faithful, particularly the laſt morning when I ſent two men to thy houſe, thou diſcovered to them what I laid before thee, that they may know that it came from me; I own that my remnant have taken hold of me by prayer, that they will not let me go, for which my remnant will be ſo great in the land, that houſes to dwell in, on a piece of land will be as ill to get as it is at this day. At the ſame time it was ſaid unto me, I know the reaſon thou art ſo loath to tell my rebukes it is becauſe of reports and country talk, for I hear it is the report of ſome, that what thou ſpoke it was wrong; but this generation all know whether it was right or wrong spoken, but thou muttered it as men do gear thief ſtollen, which durſt not be avowed, but remember, Him that confeſſeth me before men, him will I confeſs before my Father which is in heaven, and therefore lay forth my commiſſion before the world, let them take it as they will.

20. As I ſaid to the long ago, there was not ſuch a year ſince that when king Uzziah died, as ſhall fall out at this time, and in a few years, which is to let you know, that time is my own. No man is to know it further than I pleaſe, I will ſhew particular ſigns to the world of that year coming, but ye ſhall not know when they come, nor the nature of them, for they ſhall ſpeak for themſelves when they come.

21. Jan. 13. At night. being awake, I was inſtantly caſt into a deep ſleep, and it was ſaid unto me, I have caſt you into a trance to diſcover things to thee, and I ſaw a ſheet white, and let down from a great height to the bedſide tied at the four corners, and ſettled, as I thought upon my knees, and faſtning my eyes upon it, I ſaw upon one ſide, a part of every ſort of fowls, and at the other ſide cut pieces of fleſh, and as I was thinking upon it, it was ſaid to me, I will tell thee the meaning, the fowls is the generality of this generation, and the fleſh is the remnant, which is to let thee ſee the good and bad live in one community together, and none of them will eſcape my ſtroke that will come upon the land, for I am provoked to anger by this generation in this place by the following ſins, pride, whoredom, curſing, ſwearing, lying, ſtealing, and walking

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