Page:Visions, discoveries and warnings of the dreadful and terrible judgments, upon Scotland, England and Ireland which were revealed to John Porter.pdf/13

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what I lay before thee, I will make thee an example, ſuch as there never was the like laid on a bed before thee; I faſtning mine eyes on the man at a diſtance from me, I ſaw a great ſtone fall on a ſudden, as from the very clouds, betwixt him and me, and he ſaid, As thou haſt ſeen this ſtone fall on a ſudden, ſo will I bring the ſtroke upon this generation: but yet they will not believe it, till it come to their very door, and thou ſhalt not ſee it.

25. Jan. 16. 1730. It was ſaid to me, I ſent thee one of the baillies of Campbelton, to whom thou diſcovered many things, which had been laid before thee, and he coming home did not conceal the ſame; which made the miniſters and ſome others come to thee, to whom thou alſo gave a large account of things laid before thee, which they have not diſcovered, except to ſome principal men of the city, and in ſo doing they have wronged this generation.

26. Another time I ſaw a creature, the likeneſs of a fowl, and as I wondered what it could be, I heard as if it had been the voice of one aſking what I looked upon? I ſaid, A fowl, but cannot underſtand what it is. I was anſwered, This is the red dragon ſpoken of in the revelation, which fought with Michael and his angels, which was the occaſion of theſe bloody napkins on which thou ſaw the names of the twelve apoſtles and of the Lamb, which I ſhewed thee a great while ago, I was aſked again, What ſeeſt thou? I anſwered, A white throne; and it was replied, The Lord hath erected a throne upon the earth, for the Lord hath ſaid he will come down, and ſee if the ſins of the land be according to the cry thereof, if not he will know, for he is about to execute his wrath upon this land, for many ſins, particularly for breach of covenants between man and man, and betwixt nation and nation, and perſon-al covenants at his table: but eſpecially the ſolemn league and covenant, which was made in my name, for which I will pour out my wrath; but I have a remnant which ſhall eſcape, for theſe ends, leſt the enemy ſhould mock and ſay to them, is this the reward of your prayers and faſtings and communions, and all the niceties you have obſerved, ſince it fares with you as with us? I have kept you ſo many years blind, that my remnant may underſtand, that it was not diſcovered by any other light, for it is gone abroad among my enemies, That an old blind map that hath lienſo