Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/147

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full of olives, as ears are full of grain," and are therefore called Shibalei hazethim " ears of olives " which poured golden oil from themselves, by means of two " spouts " or channels, into the vessel, for the supply of the candlestick.

On the prophet's asking, " What are these, my lord? " the Interpreter answers," Knowest thou not what these be? " as much as to imply that the symbolism of this vision was such that the prophet might himself have been able to interpret had he understood the symbolism of the Taber nacle and Temple.

As a matter of fact, neither the Interpreter nor the Angel of Jehovah explain the symbolism of this vision, but only indicate the message which it conveyed to Zerubbabel at that time, and to the people of God generally in all time.

The candlestick itself the central object in this vision is doubtless a figurative representation of the seven-branched candlestick in the Temple. There it stood in the Holy Place (the figure of heavenly places not made with hands), not only as the emblem and representation of what the whole redeemed family shall finally be " when in union with their risen, glorified Lord they shall for ever shine in the sanctuary of God," but also as typifying Israels high calling in relation to the other nations.

In his midst a great light had shone the light of the self-revelation of the glory of Jehovah not only for his own illumination, but that he might be the candlestick, the light-bearer, and light-diffuser all around.

It is for this reason that " when the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the children of men, He set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel " (Deut. xxxii. 8).

We know how terribly and sadly Israel failed to respond to God's purpose concerning Him. " Thus saith the Lord God" through His prophet Ezekiel, in chap. v. of his prophecy " This is Jerusalem: I have set her in the midst of the nations, and countries are round about her" that she may shine as a light in their midst, so that these nations and countries may see of her good works and glorify God,