Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/199

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is an everlasting dominion, " and His Kingdom shall never be destroyed."

And this, dear reader the establishment of Messiah's throne of righteousness on Mount Zion, that from it, and Israel as a centre, His beneficent rule may extend over the whole earth and bless all peoples is the appointed goal of history toward which all things are moving. It is the motive, also, of all God's providential dealings with the nations. " Political changes," as one has expressed it, " are the moving of the shadow on the earth's dial-plate that marks the mighty motions going forward in the heavens "; and however conflicting and confusing to our poor human judgments, they mark but the various stages of a plan and counsel which God formed from eternity.

In reference to the four great world-powers, whose successive course was to make up " the times of the Gentiles," we have to note that three of them have already long ago disappeared, in accordance with the clear pre dictions of Scripture, and the fourth, which (as also foreseen and foretold) was to drag on longest, is now, as is generally agreed by all students of the sure Word of Prophecy, fast approaching its very last phase of existence. We may, therefore, say with confidence that we are on the eve of the most solemn events in the world's history, and are very fast approaching " the day," not only of our own final and complete " redemption " as believers at the manifestation of Christ, but the " set time," when God shall again arise and have mercy upon Zion, and when, through the restoration and blessing of Israel, " the nations shall fear the Name of Jehovah, and all kings of the earth His glory."