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Translation contd

[ Yogarudha state — Described in Gita VI. 4. — "When one is attached neither to sense-objects nor to actions, and has given up all desires, then he is said to be Yogdrudha or to have ascended the Yoga-path." ]

Sloka #10

संन्यस्य सर्वकर्माणि भवबन्धविमुक्तये ।
यत्यतां पण्डितैर्धीरैरात्माभ्यास उपस्थितैः


10. Let the wise and erudite man, having commenced the practice of the realisation of the Atman, give up all works (not done for God) and try to cut loose the bonds of birth and death.

[All works — only "Sakama Karma" or works performed to gain more sense-enjoyment are meant. "All works" here excludes "selfless work" or work without any motives.]

Sloka #11

चित्तस्य शुद्धये कर्म नतु वस्तूपलभब्धये ।
वस्तुसिद्धिर्विचारेण न किंचित्कर्मकोटिभिः ॥११॥


11. Work is for the purification of the mind, not for the perception of the reality. The realisation of Truth is brought about by discrimination and not in the least by ten millions of acts.

[The idea is, that works properly done cleanse the mind of its impurities, while the Truth flashes of itself.]

Sloka #12

सम्यग्विचारतः सिद्धा रज्जुतत्वावधारणा ।
भ्रान्तोदितमबासर्पभयदुःखविनाशिनी ॥१२॥