Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 1.djvu/44

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natured! I wonder whom Grey will crony with this half! Have you seen him and Dallas speak together yet? He cut the Doctor quite dead at Greek to-day."

"Why, Eardley! Eardley! there 's Grey walking round playing fields with Mallett!" halloed a sawney who was killing the half-holiday by looking out of the window.

"The devil! I say, Matthews, whose flute is that? It's a devilish handsome one!"

"It's Grey's! I clean it for him," squeaked a little boy. "He gives me sixpence a week!"

"Oh, you sneak!" said one.

"Cut him over!" said another.

"Roast him!" cried a third.

"Whom are you going to take the flute to?" asked a fourth.

"To Mallett," squeaked the little fellow; "Grey lends his flute to Mallett every day."—"Grey lend his flute to Mallett! The deuce he does! So Grey and Mallett are going to crony?"