Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 1.djvu/47

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The plot was admirably formed. On the first bell ringing for school, the door was to be immediately barred, to prevent the entrance of Dallas. Instant vengeance was then to be taken on Mallett and his companion—the sneak! the spy! the traitor!—The bell rang: the door was barred: four stout fellows seized on Mallett. four rushed to Vivian Grey: but stop! he sprang upon his desk, and, placing his back against the wall, held a pistol at the foremost! "Not an inch nearer, Smith, or—I fire. Let me not, however, baulk your vengeance on yonder hound: if I could suggest any refinements in torture, they would be at your service." Vivian Grey smiled, while the horrid cries of Mallett indicated that the boys were "roasting" him. He then walked to the door, and admitted the barred-out Dominie. Silence was restored. There was an explanation, and no defence; and Vivian Grey was—expelled.