Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/7

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Since the acceptance of this dissertation a great deal of work has been done upon the word-list in chapter III, and this has delayed publication. It is hoped that the list is fairly complete, and that it may be of permanent value to students of Greek lexicography.

When the work was well advanced, Bruhn's treatise "Ueber den Wortschatz des Menander" (Kieler diss., Jena, 1910) appeared, which seemed to cover the same ground. But since his method and arrangement were very different from mine, and since the canon of Attic writers adopted by him was not identical with mine, I continued my investigation and have endeavored to show by clearer evidence Menander's position in the history of the Greek language.

I wish to express my indebtedness to the professors of the Department of Classics of Princeton University for their help in all my work and particularly during the preparation of this thesis. I am under especial obligations to Professor Edward Capps, who suggested the subject, for advice and stimulating criticism. He has also read all the proof; and if, as I hope, the number of errors is not large, it is due in a great measure to his care.

Donald Blythe Durham

Princeton University
August 16, 1913.