Page:Vocalist's song book (1).pdf/11

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                     Aboon my breath I daurna speak',
                       For fear I rouse your wakerife daddie,
                     Cauld's the blast upon my cheek,
                       O rise, rise, my bonny lady!
                               O are you sleeping, Maggie, &jc.
                     She opt the door, she let him in,
                       He cuist aside his dreeping plaidie;
                     "Blaw your warst, ye rain and win',
                       Since, Maggie, now I'm in beside ye.
                          Now since ye're waking, Maggie,
                          Now since ye're waking, Maggie!
                          What care I for the howlet's cry,
                          For boortree bank, or warlock craigie!
                           RAB RORYSON'S BONNET.
           YE'll a' ha'e heard tell o' Rab Roryson's bonnet,
           Ye'll a ha'e heard tell o' Rab Roryson's bonnet,
           Twas no for itsel', 'twas the head that was in it,
           Gar'd a' bodies talk o' Rab Roryson's bonnet.
           This bonnet, that theekit his wonderfu' head,
           Was his shelter in winter, in summer his shade,
           And at kirk or at market, or bridals I ween,
           A braw gaucier bonnet there never was seen.
           Wi' a ronnd rosy tap, like a meikle blackboyd,
           It was slouched just a kenning on either hand side,
           Some maintain'd it was black, some maintain'd it was
           It had something o' baith as a body may trow.
           But in sooth, I assure you, for ought that I saw,
           Still his bonnet had naething uncommon ava,
           Tho the hail parish talk'd o' Rab Roryson's bonnet,
           'Twas a' for the marvellous head that was in it.