Page:Vol 3 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/349

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character of the people. Already a presidio of San Juan, and a pueblo, or mission, of Santa Rita had been established at Peyotlan; and preparations had been made for a pueblo of Santa Teresa at Guaimarus in the north.[1] Now the pueblo of Trinidad and presidio of San Francisco Javier de Valero were founded on the mesa, as capital of the province, with Father Tellez in charge; in the north were founded the pueblo of Santa Gertrudis[2] and the presidio of San Salvador el Verde; while on the river were located Jesus Maria and San Francisco de Paula.[3]

Governor Flores left Nayarit in March to visit his hacienda, not returning until the end of May. During his absence there were some disturbances; many Indians ran away to join a rebellious band under Alonso at the ranchería of Santiago; and a party searching for mines was attacked, by its own fault, and one man lost. On the comandante's return, however, with reënforcements, and with two padres, José Bautista Lopez and José Mesa, order was restored, and Alonso soon gave up the useless struggle. A new establishment of San Ignacio was founded at Guainamota[4] under Captain Rioja and Father Mesa. In July Flores made an expedition into the territory of the Tecualmes and Coras, and with natives of these tribes founded San Juan Bautista and San Pedro on the Rio de San Pedro. Of all the fugitives, an apostate female leader named Juana Burro held out longest against the Spaniards; but she at last yielded to gospel influence and muskets. The comandante was now absent again for a year or more; but all went well with the missions, the new one of Rosario being

  1. Coynamams, Guaimaruzi, or Coaymarus. It was about 20 leagues northwest of the mesa.
  2. According to Relacion, 17, 20, Sta Teresa was the presidio and Sta Gertrudis the pueblo, and they were six leagues apart.
  3. The Relacion, 27, states that the presidio of San Juan Bautista was afterward moved to Jesus Maria. Mota-Padilla, Conq. N. Gal., 480, says a pueblo of Guadalupe was founded in February, 12 1. east of the mesa. The Relacion, 20, says it was on the mesa 12 leagues from the real.
  4. At Guazamota according to Dicc. Univ., x. 18.