Page:Vol 5 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/183

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New Orleans and other parts. The cause of the insurrection was also encouraged and supported by the press and at public meetings.

In this connection with Texan affairs, it will be well to consider what course was pursued by the government of the United States, and what efforts, if any, were made by it to prevent acts which were open violations of the neutrality laws. The attention of the secretary of state having been repeatedly called by the Mexican legation to the fact that war material and armed expeditions were constantly leaving for Texas to wage war against Mexico, with which power the United States were at peace, orders were transmitted to the several districts to prevent such acts. The secretary assured that legation that it was the wish and resolve of the United States to preserve the neutrality; and in January 1836 added that the government would use every endeavor as far as possible to prevent injury to Mexico; but that "for the conduct of individuals which the government of the United States could not control, it was not in any way responsible."[1] This seems to have been the loop-hole through which the American government sought to escape responsibility; for the fact stands that none of its alleged efforts availed to prevent the departure of men and supplies to aid the Texan belligerents.[2] Nor was this all. The United States government shortly after resolved upon the military occupation of Texan territory. The ground for this action was a reported disaffection of a number of tribes or fragments of tribes of Texan Indians, and of some others that had formerly dwelt in United States territory. The people of Texas were glad, for political as well as economical reasons, to have United States troops

  1. Niles' Reg., 1. 210-13.
  2. They had from the United States 'una proteccion encubierta y constante.' Rivera, Hist. Jalapa, iii. 283. And if the government thus practically manifested its sympathy for Texas, would the partisans of that country be regardful of the laws of neutrality?