Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/161

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served to rouse conservatives from the beginning.[1] Another not very agreeable feature was the enrolment in Austria and Belgium of volunteers to serve as nuclei for the imperial army, and also as standing tokens of distrust, sources for bitter and dangerous jealousies.[2] Thus far alone went the support given by Francis Joseph, who in other respects made it understood that felt himself in no manner responsible for or connected with the plans of his brother.

The preparations of Maximilian for his journey had already been made, and on the fourth day after accepting the crown he and his wife embarked at Miramare on board the frigate Novara for Civita Vecchia,[3] en route for Rome, there to confer with the pope on points already imparted by Aguilar y Marocho, the newly accredited minister at the Vatican. It was understood that Maximilian would exert himself to remedy the evil suffered by the church, and to restore the respect due to the clergy.[4] After a stay of two days at Rome he continued his voyage April 20th,

  1. The expression of the Juarist minister, Iglesias, 'El llamado emperador mexicano ha pasado por la humillacion de consentir,' Revistas, ii. 340, is taken up by Zamacois, Arrangoiz, and others devoted to the conservative side. Leon's conduct is stamped by them as 'culpable debility.' Commandant J. M. Rodriguez was sent on April 12th by way of France to carry the news of these proceedings to Mexico.
  2. The Austrians to consist of three battalions of infantry, a regiment of hussars and ulans, a battery of artillery, a company of pioneers, and 300 sailors. The force not to exceed 6,300, and the Belgian not over 2,000. For text of agreement, see Derecho, Intern. Mex., pt ii. 352-62.
  3. Accompanied by his brother Luis Victor, Gen. Woll, Leon, Count de Zichy, his chamberlains and secretary, and countesses Zichy and Kollonitz, ladies of honor. Arrangoiz adds Eloin and Friar Gomez. Several vessels attended for a distance, the frigate Themis to escort to Vera Cruz on behalf of the French emperor. Deputations from Trieste and other places came to Miramare to bid them farewell. Details in Max. y Carlota, Adven., 133-8.
  4. The imperial pair called, April 19th, on Pius IX., who returned the visit on the following day. Mass in the Sixtine chapel was attended by an allocution on the duties of sovereigns and by communion, and followed by breakfast in the library. The pontifical blessing was bestowed during the return visit at Marescotti palace. Visits were also exchanged with the king of Naples. Details in Miramar á México, 45-52, and Nardi, Visita dell inperatore, Roma, 1864, 1-22. In a bull issued April 28tlh was given the form of prayers to be said for the sovereign in Mexican churches. Mex., Boletin Ley., 1864, 286-8.