Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/262

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council first to report on the prospects of calling a national congress for deciding what form of government the country desired, the means for raising funds and armies, and the settlement of the questions with France and the United States.[1] The questions were too uncertain to be entertained by the conservatives; and content with having gained what they considered the main point, they passed them over with a promise to consider them in due time.[2] The emperor himself must have recognized that the solution was exceedingly doubtful, yet he accepted the promise as satisfactory, and on the 1st of December issued a manifest to the people, declaring that he had yielded to the desire of his council, on the condition that a congress representing all parties should be summoned to decide the existence of the empire.[3] The reunion of a national congress could not be effected without a previous armistice, and Juarez was not likely to entertain such terms in face of the French withdrawal, and the victorious progress of his arms sustained by the United States. Maximilian saw the difficulty, for the republican leaders so far approached had repelled him; but his foremost aim now was to achieve with the forces at his command triumphs of sufficient importance to induce the enemy to listen to this or any other reasonable proposals, and to enable him at least to retire with honor, conscious of having fulfilled his duty toward his adherents. Like a reckless gambler, he somewhat blindly risked all upon one cast; yet his motive must be applauded, even if wounded pride and self-interest formed ingredients therein.[4]

  1. Also laws for colonization.
  2. A minority of nine protested against this postponement of vital points. Basch stamps the conduct of the majority as dishonorable and deceptive.
  3. Text in Diario Ofic., Dec. 6, 1866. If the empire were confirmed, he would devote himself to promote its welfare.
  4. The convocation was draughted, also the communication to Juarez, with terms for armistice, and a manifest to the nation in case Juarez proved obdurate. Querétaro was named as the best place for reunion. In voting for empire or republic, the ruler was to be designated and the constitutional congress summoned, a general amnesty attending the new order of affairs. It was proposed that congress should introduce the following reforms: establishment