Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/684

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taken a few years ago under auspices of the United States government:

    Mex., Expos . . . sobre la Condic, passim; Lares, Lecciones de Derecho Admin., Mex. 1852, pp. 407; Perez y Comoto, Represent., 1-82; Payno, Cuentas, Gastos, etc., passim; Macgregor's Commer. Stat., iii. 1167-81; Proyecto del primer Camino de Hierro, etc., Mex., 1837, pp. 112; Phillip's Min. and Met., 77, 26687; Tovar, Hist. Parl, i.-iv.; Tylor's Anahuac, passim; Tarayre, Explor. Min., passim; Thrall's Texas: Trujillo, Proyecto Prod, y Recur., Mex., 1865, pp. 72; Skilton's Min. Dist. Hidalgo, Boston, 1882, pp. 63; Septien y Villaseñor, Mem. Estad., passim; Sanchez' MS., 1-5; Maclure's Opinions, i., passim; Mata, Anuario Univ., 1881, pp. 688; Azpiroz, Cod. Extran., passim; Alvarez, Itin. y derrot., Mex., 1856, pp. 480; Azanza, Instruc, MS., 64-7;; Azcárate, Not. Estad., pp. 46; Arévalo, Compend., 5-295; Cancelada, Ruina de la N. Esp., 21-47; Comonfort, Manif. del Gob., 160-7, 184-203; U. S. Bureau of Statistics, Commerce and Navig. Repts, Com. Relations, and numerous other official documents issued by the U. S. government during this century, to the indices of which the reader is referred; Mayers' Mex. as It Was and Is, 174-91, 268-83, 30537; Hamilton's Mex. Laws; Id., Mex. Handbook; Hernandez y Dávalos, Direct. Correos, 1876, pp. 621; Hal's Laws of Mex., S. F., 1885, pp. 840; Humboldt's Essai Pol.; Hinchman's Mex. R. R., MS., 1883; Heller, Reisen in Mex.; Zamo> cols, Hist. Mex.; Zarco, Hist. Congreso, i.-ii., passim; Zavala, Res. Mex., ii. passim; Zamora, Bibliot. Legist, i. 25-38, 142-3, 352-71. In addition to the above authorities, a vast number of documents, newspapers, magazines, reviews, periodicals, and journals, both Mexican and foreign, that have been consulted, besides a large collection of clippings from papers and publications entitled Mexican Scraps, and containing much valuable information on Mexican matters.

    For further reference I note: Beltrami, Mex., i. 111-29; Vallejo, Col. Doc, i., no. 41; xxix., no. 185; Valois, Mexique, 82-90; Alaman, Méj., i., app. 33; ii. 437-8; v. 462-5, 491, 506-7, 610, 767, 811, 916-23; Id., Apunt. Biog., 11-39; Id., Vida Naj. Crisos., 5-9, 23-39; Ward's Mex.,i. 26-39, 145-61; ii., passim; Arrangoiz, Mej., ii. 320-3; iii. 250, 336-56; iv, 29-31, 85-8, 143-4, 172; Thompson's Recol. Mex., passim; Bancroft's Obs., MS., 18-19, 53-63, 104-11; Disposic. Varias, ii., f. 28, 55, 58-61, 66, 67, 72; hi., f. 53, 54, 123; v., f. 13, 58; Dublan and Lozano, Leg. Mex., i. 5, 18-19, 331-340, 425, 619; iv., 449-60; vi. 508-14; ix. 91, 203-4; Carpenter's Travels in Mex., 234-69; Chassin, El Pinto, Su Oríg., etc., Mex., 1868, pp. 37; Armin, Hentige Mex., 225-57, 371-96, 412-13; Diaz Misc., nos. 17, 52, 56; Dunbar's Mex. Papers, 105-8, 116-18, 131-44; Mex., Cod. Reform., 182-95, 323-4, 395-7; Id., Mem. Sec Estad., 1879-80, 57-8, with docs. 109-10; Id., Mem. Ofic Mayor Gob., 1874, 89-126, with docs. 46-63; Id., Recop. Leyes, etc., xi. 526-30; Derecho Intern. Mex., 3d pt, 354 — 421; Mex., Col. Dec sob. Cong., 166-9; Guia de Hac Rep. Mex., iii. 186; Archivo Mex., Col. Ley., ii. 373 et seq.; iii. 616-17; vi. 294-5; Mex., Decretos Min., 1845, no. 6; Id., Bol. Ley., 1863, 282-3; 1864, 60; Id., Ley Orgán. Istruc. Pub., 1-16; Pinart, Col; Id., Mem. Ayunt. Constit., 1879, 171-202, 225-54; Edwards' Hist. Tex., 139, 115-60; Elton, With the French, 11-16, 55-66; Enseñ. Polk. Méd., Mex., 1842, pp. 24, in Pap. Var., 224, No. 5; Espinosa, Padorales, nos. 1-7; Fossey's Mex., 221-45, 33S-9, 384-5; Fernando VII, Decretos, 51, 63-4, 74; 5, 224, 228-9; Id., Doc, 293-9; Vigil, Ensayo Hist., 7-10; Valle, Viajero en Méx., 143-598; Farnham's Mex., 73-80; Hassel, Mex. Guat., 144-290, passim; Heller, Reisen in Mex., 68-71, 167-70; Hernandez, Estad. Mej., 63-90, 205-6, 246-7; Hamilton's Mex. Laws, 1-20, 157-76; Hall's Méx. Law, 191-202, 348-50, 420-32; Rivero, Mex. en 1842, passim; Ratzel, Aus Méx., passim; Richthofen, Rep. Mex., 17-19, 161-6, 216-17; Rosa, Juicio Impar., in Imp. Var., no. 5; Löwenstern, Mex., passim; Cincinnatus' Travels, 52-3, 72-86; Cancelada, Ruina de la N. Esp., 10-11, 62-4; Lefévre, Doc Maxim., 4-5, 333; Calderon's Life in Mex., i., ii., passim; Niles' Reg., from vol. i. et seq., with reference to the indices; Gallardo, Cuadro Estad.; Garcia Cubas, Rep.