Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/720

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Aury, Commodore, mention of, iv. 661-2.
Austin, Stephen F., colonies established by, v. 154; mission to Mex., 160.
Austin, Moses, colonization schemes of, v. 153.
Austria, the empire of Maximilian, vi. 96-8.
Austrians, surrender of at Mex., 1867, vi. 346.
Autos-de-fé, early, 1574-96; ii. 67981; description, ii. 679-81; Morelos', 1815, iv. 620.
Auza, Gen., defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 66.
Ávalos, exped. to Colima, ii. 57-8.
Ávalos, Gov., measures of, 1851, v. 604.
Avendaño, D. de, oidor, 1624, iii. 49.
Ávila, Capt. A. de, joins Cortés' exped., 1518, i. 65; character, i. 76; battle of Tabasco, i. 85; Indian bride of, i. 230; quarrel with Cortés, i. 406-7; evacuation of Mex., i. 470-1; return from Sto Domingo, 1522, ii. 79; rewarded by Cortés, ii. 80; procurador to Spain, 1522, ii. 80; lieutenant to Monte jo, 1527, ii. 431; exped. to Chetumal, 1528, ii. 435-8; reaches Honduras, ii. 438; rejoins Monte jo, 1532, ii. 440; occupies Acalan, ii. 442-3; treason of, ii. 585; conspiracy of, 1565, ii. 509-13; trial, etc., of, ii. 618-19; execution, 619-20.
Ávila-Cortés, conspiracy, ii. 607-34.
Ávila, F. E. de, corregidor of Mex., iii. 45.
Ávila, G. G. de, treasonable conduct of, ii. 585; arrest of, ii. 618; trial and execution, 1566, ii. 619-20.
Ávila, G. J. de, alcalde mayor of Yucatan, 1552^4, ii. 649.
Ávila, J., wounded at Acapulco, iv. 547.
Ávila, Gen. M. de, successes, etc., of, 1810-11, iv. 300-6.
Aviña, mines of, discovered, ii. 596.
Axayacatl, father of Montezuma, i. 98.
Axayacatl, Palace, Cortes' quarters i. at, 287; burning of, i. 639.
Axoquentzin. Cacique, siege of Mex., i. 677.
Axotecatl, Cacique, execution of, ii. 180.
Ayala, D. G. de, escape of from Indians, 1546, ii. 448.
Ayala, P. de, bishop of Nueva Galicia, 1555-69, ii. 691.
Ayeta, F. de, works of, iii. 725.
Ayotla, affair at, 1817, iv. 651; pronunciamiento at, 1858, v. 750.
Ayotochtitlan, battle of, ii. 97.
Ayotzinco, Spaniards at, i. 268.
Ayutla, plan of, 1854, v. 648-9, 658-9, 662-5, 669, 671, 707.
Azanza, M. J. de, 54th viceroy, 1798, iii. 490, rule, iii. 490-8, biog., 499.
Azcapuzalco, Cortés captures, i. 585.
Azcárate, Gen. A., death of, 1832, v. 119.
Azcárraga, E. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1645-48, iii. 160.
Aztatlan, Guzman in camp at, 1530, ii. 359.
Aztecs, tripartite alliance, i. 23; empire of the, i. 96-7; superstitious of the, i. 101-8; weakness of the, i. 141-2; the Totonac revolt, i. 14750, 154-9; annals, i. 275-6; deities, i. 407; religious festivals, i. 407-10, 414-15; massacre of the, 1520, i. 407-18; uprising of, against Alvarado, i. 416-36; armor, i. 431-2; human sacrifices, i. 456, 484, 541, 656-8; character of the, i. 585, 6923; war symbols, i. 680; civilization among the, i. 695-6; mining, iii. 579; land-tenure, iii. 603-4; mechanical ingenuity, iii. 619-22.


Babicanora district, mining in, 182030, vi. 513-14.
Bacalar, Indians revolt at, 1636-44, iii. 159; captured by Indians, 1S48, v. 582; recaptured, etc., v. 582-3. Backus, Capt., capture of Monterey, v. 385.
Badajoz, G. de, siege of Mex., i. 677.
Bajío of Guanajuato, see Guanajuato.
Baker, Col., battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 458.
Balboa, V. N. de, gold collected by, iii. 558-63.
Balbuena, Bishop, works of vi. 656.
Balcárcel, B., minister of fomento, 1867, vi. 352; 1872, vi. 385.
Balderas, Col., battle of Molino del Rey, v. 501-2.
Banco de Avío, object, etc., of vi. 519-20.