Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/726

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Carrillo, L., royal commissioner, 1567, ii. 625; petitions against, 156S, ii. 630; deposed, ii. 630-2; death of, ii. 632.
Carrillo, M. de, visitador, 1624, iii. 73.
'Cartas de Indias,' ii. 606. Carvajal, A. de, commissioner to Spain, ii. 285.
Casa de Contratacion, establ. ii. 629.
Oasa Mata, Plan of, proclaimed, 1823, iv. 784-5; adopted, 795-9.
Casafuerte, Marqués de, 37th viceroy, 1722, iii. 349; rule, 349-51.
Casal, Capt. A. G. del, defeat at Huamantla, 1812, iv. 377-8.
Casanova, Gen., defeat at Las Cuevitas, 1858, v. 747.
Casas, B. de las, see Las Casas, B. de.
Casas, F. de las, alcalde mayor, 1524, ii. 9; mission, etc., of, 1523, ii. 103; Olid's defection, ii. 203-4; return from Honduras, 1525, ii. 212-13; disarmed by Salazar, ii. 213-14; sentence of, ii. 223.
Casas, G. de las, gov. of Yucatan, 1577-83, ii. 650.
Casas, J. B., exploits of, iv. 241.
Casasola, R., defence of Ixmiquilpan, 1312, iv. 429-30.
Cascanes, escape of, 1542, ii. 509.
Casillas, T. de, bishop of Chiapas, 1555, ii. 673.
Castagny, Gen., operations of, 1864, vi. 124-5; 1865, vi. 193-^t; 1866, vi. 256-7.
Castañeda, Judge M., dismissal of, 1853, v. 638; minister of govt., 1857, v. 713.
Castañiza, Bishop, president of junta, 1822, iv. 785.
Castaño, (Gaspar de), alcalde mayor San Luis Potosi, 1575, ii. 776-7; lieut gov., N. Leon, ii. 779; explorations of, 1590, ii. 781.
Castellanos, D., siege of Mex., i. 675.
Castelnau, Gen., mission to Mex., 1866, vi. 229-30; measures, 233; departure, 1867, vi. 268.
Castilbanco, Town, Sandoval captures, 1520, i. 556.
Castilla, Capt. J., death of, iv. 148.
Castilla, L. de, exped. to Jalisco, ii. 369-71.
Castillo, Col. J. del, operations, 1811, iv. 336-7; 1812, iv. 414-19; 1813, iv. 518-21.
Castillo, y Lanzas, J., minister of relations, 1846, v. 294.
Castillo, P. F. del, minister of the treasury, 1S45, v. 290.
Castillo, Gen. S. del, defence of Guadalajara, 1860, v. 790; soldierly qualities of, vi. 275; siege of Queretaro, 1867, vi. 284-302; sentence, etc., of, vi. 349.
Castillo y Lanzas, J., minister of relations, 1858, v. 745.
Castrillo, G. de, defeats French pirates, 1571, ii. 647.
Castro, A. M. de, minister of justice, 1867, vi. 352.
Catalina, Cortés' bride, i. 165, 401.
Catoche Punta de, name, i. 8; Córdoba's affray at, i. 9.
Catorce, Town, founded, 1772, iii. 308.
Catorce District, mining in, iii. 5S9; vi. 513.
Cavendish, T., cruise in Pacific, 15868, ii. 744-50.
Cavo, A., works of, iii. 508-9.
Ceballos, J. B., president ad interim, 1853, v. 615; cabinet, v. 616; rule, v. 616-21.
Ceballos, Gen., operations, etc., of, 1873, vi. 400-1.
Cedral, settlement, founded 1780, iii. 309.
Celaya, town, founded, etc., ii. 655, 763; capture of, 1810, iv. 124-6; sack of, iv, 125-7; recapture of, iv. 219; assault on, 1813, iv. 516.
Célis, R. de, defeated by Osorno, 1813, iv. 534.
Celpalco, Montezuma's ashes buried at, i. 465.
Cempoala, Cortés' exped. to, i. 142-4; descript. of, i. 144-5; Christianity accepted in, i. 164-5; affair at, 1520, i. 393-8; conference at, 1521, ii. 71-3.
Centipac, province, Guzman conquers, 1530, ii. 356-7.
Centla, battle of, 1519, i. 87-90.
Central America, gold deposits of, iii. 553-70; independence of, declared, 1822, iv. 754; union with Mex. iv. 755; independence recognized, 1823, v. 47; claims of, to Soconusco, vi. 452-3.
Centralists, party organized, etc., 1823, v. 5; leaders of, v. 10-11; influence of, v. 182.
Cepeda, Governor, removal, etc., of, 1873, vi. 408-9.