Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/733

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Dávila, F., attempt to assassinate, 1525, ii. 211.
Davila, G., gov. of Guadalajara, 1851, v. 608-9.
Dávila, G. G., works, of, ii. 189-90.
Dávila, Gen., retires to Ulua, iv. 710; counter-revolution of, 1822, iv. 7646.
Dávila y Pacheco, E., gov. ad interim of Yucatan, 1644, iii. 159-60; 1648, iii. 160.
Davin, works compiled by, ii. 191-2.
De Briant, commandant, defeat of, 1866, vi. 251.
Debt, imprisonment for, iii. 547-8; national, v. 560-3, 601; vi. 175-6, 458.
Declaration of Independence, 1813, iv. 566; 1821, iv. 735.
Defence, measures for, iii. 184-5, 216-17, 223-4, 270, 280, 365-6, 415-21, 489-92, 503; iv. 34.
Deffaudis, Baron, envoy to Mex., v. 187; demands of, v. 187-8.
Degollado, Gen. 8., minister of gobernacion, 1858, v. 736; of war, v. 736; capture, etc., of Guadalajara, 1858, v. 748-9; operations, 1859, v. 760-2, 771; victory of, 1861, vi. . 15; execution of, vi. 15.
De Haro, Dr A. N. de, 50th viceroy, 1787, iii. 456; biog. iii. 456-7; archbishop, iii. 457; administ. 457-9.
D'Héricault, C, 'Maximilien et Mexique,' vi. 279-80.
Delgadillo, D., oidor, 1527, ii. 274; violates sanctuary, 1529, ii. 291; excommunicated, ii. 291; character of, ii. 292; arrested, 1531, ii. 327; sent to Spain, 1532, ii. 328.
Delgadillo, H., port commandant, Vera Cruz, 1568, ii. 638.
Delgado, F., juez de residencia in Yucatan, 1669, iii. 161.
Delgado, Friar P., Dominican provincial, 1538, ii. 396.
'Derecho Internacional Mexicano,' vi. 463.
Descendimiento y Sepulcro de Cristo, brotherhood established, 1582, ii. 737.
'Despertador Americano' periodical, iv. 235.
'Diario de los Debates,' vi. 359-60.
'Diario de México,' estab., 1805, iv. 39.
'Diario Oficial,' mention of, iii. 509.
Diaz, B., wounded at Potonchan, 1517, i. 10; Cortés' exped., i. 134, 141; evacuation of Mex., i. 470; siege of Mex., i. 655, 691; works of, i. 697-700.
Diaz, Col F., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 49; commandant of Oajaca, 1867, vi. 338; marches on Mex., vi. 344-5; death of, 1872, vi. 382.
Diaz, I., minister of justice, 1859, v. 767; sentence of, vi. 4.
Diaz, Father J., priest to Grijalva, i. 16; Grijalva's exped., i. 18; Cortés' exped., i. 69; conspires against Cortés, i. 177; first parish priest in Mex., ii. 158.
Diaz, M., explorer, 1539, ii. 467-8.
Diaz, Gen. P., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 47-50; defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 63-8; campaign of, 1864, vi. 126-7; defence of Oajaca, 1865, vi. 188-90; operations of, 1866, vi. 258-61; capture of Puebla, etc., 1867, vi. 335-41; Bournouf's overtures to, vi. 338; defeats Marquez, vi. 341; siege of Mex., vi. 342-7; revolt of, 18/1-2, vi. 379-84; revolution of, 18/5-7, vi. 419-27; negotiations with Iglesias, vi. 429-33; occupies Puebla, vi. 430; enters Mex., vi. 430-1; assumes the executive, vi. 431; cabinet, vi. 431; policy of, vi. 435-8; 441; address to congress, vi. 436-7, president, 1877, vi. 437; biog., etc., vi. 437-8; rule, vi. 438-48, 459-63, 477, 490, 499-500, 546-8; recognized by foreign powers, vi. 441, 446; review of admimstr., 448-50; reelected, 1884, vi. 458; attempted assassination of, vi. 458.
'Diccionario Universal,' vi. 659-60.
Diego, J., alleged miraculous vision of, 1531, ii. 403-6.
Diez y Bonilla, minister of relations, 1853, v. 637.
Diputacion Americana, demands of from córtes, 1810, iv. 443-8.
Diputacion Provincial, elections for, 1820, iv. 699.
Diseases, descript. of, iii. 755-7.
Disloyalty, causes of, iii. 504-5; iv. 17-22.
'Disturbios de Frailes,' mention of, iii. 724-5.
Doblado, M., the Paredes revolt, 1848, v. 549-50; revolt of, 1855, v. 672; league of, 1858, v. 733; minister of relations, 1861, vi. 26-7; conference with Prim, vi. 39-40; diplomacy of, vi. 40; protest of, 1862, vi. 42; policy, vi. 43; superseded by Antillon, 1863, vi. 72-3; minister of war, 1863, vi. 110; operations of, 1863, vi. 120-1; 1804, vi. 125; death, v. 125.