Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/742

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Hermosillo, J. M. G., exped. of, 1810-11, iv. 237-9.
Hernandez, B., heroism of, 1541, ii. 503-4.
Hernandez, D., siege of Mex., i. 630.
Hernandez, Gen. F., pronnnciamiento of, 1870, vi. 419; plan of Tuxtepec, 419-23; occupies Oajaca, etc., 419.
Hernandez, J. E., 'Coleccion,' iv. 624.
Herrera, Lieut-col S., capture of, iv. 241.
Herrera, Dr, minister to U. S., 1815, iv. 606-7.
Herrera, Friar, victory near San Luis Potosí, 1811, iv. 269-70; defeat at Valle del Maíz, iv. 270; execution of, iv. 270.
Herrera, Gen. J. J. de, operations, 1821, iv. 722-31; cabinet minister, 1823, v. 3; minister of war, 1833, 129; 1834, v. 141; president, 1844, v. 273; 1848, v. 550; cabinets, v. 273, 290; rule, v. 273-92, 557-95; biog., v. 289; negotiations with Trist, 1847, v. 492; death, v. 595.
Herrera, J. M., minister of justice, 1829, v. 80.
Herrera, L. de, plot, etc., of, iv. 212-15.
Herrera, M., cabinet minister, 1821, iv. 736.
Herrera, P. G. de, subdues negro revolt, 1609, iii. 11-12.
Herrera, S. de, commands convoy, 1524-5, ii. 199.
Herrera, Col S. de, execution of, 1813, iv. 542.
Herrera, operations in Nuevo Leon, 1813, iv. 544; execution of, iv. 544.
Hevia, Col, operations of, 1814, iv. 581, 586-7; 1816, iv. 650-2; victory at Tepeaca, iv. 723; death, 1821, 723.
Heyne, P., takes treasure-fleet, 1628, iii. 82-3.
Hibueras, coast, rival claims to, ii. 104-5.
Hidalgo, state of, organized, etc., 1869, vi. 369-70; mining in, vi. 515.
Hidalgo, C., biog., iv. 108.
Hidalgo, Mariano, execution of, 1811, iv. 279.
Hidalgo, Generalissimo Miguel, biog., iv. 103-4, 107-10; character, iv. 109-10, 121-2, 171, 284-6; plans betrayed, iv. 110-15; incites revolt, 1810, iv. 115-18; forces of, iv. 118-19, 123, 165-6, 172-5, 249, 268; at San Miguel, iv. 118-20; enters Celaya, iv. 124-6; captain-general, iv. 127; captures Guanajuato, iv. 14157; cited by inquisition, iv. 161-3, 163-6; proclamation, iv. 162-3; edicts, iv. 163-4; captures Valladolid, iv. 170-2; approaches Mex., iv. 175-85; victory of Las Cruces, iv. 177-84; inactivity of, iv. 188-9; retreat, iv. 198; defeat at Aculco, iv. 198-201; reception, etc., at Guadalajara, iv. 231-6; defeat at Calderon, 1811, iv. 249-58; resignation, etc., iv. 266-8; rejects pardon, iv. 269; capture of, iv. 274; trial, iv. 276-82; execution', iv. 282-3.
'Historia Parlamentaria,' vi. 359.
Hojacastro, M. S. de, bishop of Tlascala, ii. 673; of Puebla, ii. 697.
Holguin, G. de, siege of Mex., i. 686. 'Hombre Libre,' El, suppressed, 1822, iv. 781.
Honduras, Cortés' exped. to, 1524, ii. 127, 144, 203-7; gold-mining in, 1528-38, iii. 567-8.
Horcasítas, city, founded 1749, iii. 344.
Hospitals, ii. 169; iii. 183^, 759-60; vi. 506.
House of Birds, Mexico, burned, i. 639.
Houston, Gen. S., Texan commanderin-chief, 1835, v. 162, 167; victory of San Jacinto, v. 171-3.
Huahuapan, siege of, 1812, iv. 436-40; Morelos' headquarters, 470.
Humboldt, F. H. A. von, works of, iii. 513-15, 599-600, 625, 646, 778; visit of, iv. 31.
Hunt, envoy, the Texan question, v. 327.
Hunucma, sacked by pirates, 1571, ii. 646-7.


Ibarra, Capt., Mercado's instructions to, iv. 263.
Ibarra, F. de, mines discovered by, 1554, ii. 596-7; gov. of Nueva Vizcaya, ii. 598; expeditions of, ii. 598; iii. 13; founds Nombre de Dios, etc., ii. 598; death of, ii. 598-9.
Ibarra, J., paintings of, vi. 646.
Ibarra, J. de, oidor, 1624, iii. 49.
Ibarra, M. de, defeated, 1541, ii. 493-4.
Ibarra, Treasurer H. de, mention of, ii. 583, 623.
Iberri, Gen. J. I., minister of war, 1832, v. 116.