Page:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/744

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Iturbe, Lieut-col M. de, retreat of, iv. 239.
Iturbe, Minister, measures of, 184G, v. 297.
Iturbide, Emperor, A., biog., iv. 17G; operations at Las Cruces, iv. 181-2; operations of, 1812, iv. 391-4; victory at Salvatierra, 1813, iv. 51516; operations in Salvatierra district, 1813, iv. 524-5; gallantry at Valladolid, iv. 572-3; operations in Guanajuato, 1814, iv. 590-1; cruelties of, iv. 591; defeat at Mt. Cóporo, 1815, iv. 610-11; operations, 1815, iv. 612-13; arraignment of, 1816, iv. 646, 657; projects, etc., of, iv. 703-3; command of, 1820, iv. 704-7; duplicity, iv. 705-9; plan of Iguala, iv. 709-11; operations, 1821, iv. 712-26; treaty of, Córdoba, iv. 728; entry into Mex., iv. 731-2; president of regency, iv. 735; generalissimo, iv. 738; election of congress, iv. 744-7; plots against, iv. 747-8, 781-3; disputes with congress, iv. 762-9, 7804; charges against, iv. 767-8; proclaimed emperor, iv. 770-3; oath administered to, iv. 774-5; honors paid to, iv. 775; coronation, 1822, iv. 777-8; revolt against, iv. 788801; abdication, iv. 800-1; exile, iv. 802-6; writings of, iv. 805-G; return to Mex., iv. 806-7; execution, 1823, iv. 809-10; character, etc., iv. 811-12.
Iturbidists, in congress, 1822, iv. 760-1; revolt of, 1823, v. 7-8.
Iturrigaray, J. de, 56th viceroy, 1803, iv. 22; biog., iv. 22; rule, iv. 2355; venality, iv. 23-6; extortions, iv. 30-2; conspiracy against, iv. 52-5; deposal, iv. 54-6; character, iv. 55; imprisonment, iv. 58; trial, 58-60; residencia, 60-2; policy, 62-4.
Itzocan, description, i. 531-2; Cortés captures, i. 531-3.
Itzquintepec surrenders to Spaniards, ii. 38.
Ixmiquilpan, attack on, 1812, iv. 429-30.
Izquierdo, J., bishop of Yucatan, 1591-1602, ii. 690.
Izquierdo, P. S., gov. of Yucatan, 1653, lii. 161.
Ixtlilxochitl, cacique, rebels against Montezuma, i. 231, meeting with Cortes, i. 271-2; aids Cacama, i. 331.
Ixtlilxochitl, F. de, A. C, works of, i. 339-40; 697; ii. 24; aids Cortés, i. 569, 571, 595, 618, 637; king of Tezcuco, ii. 21; character, ii. 21-2; defeats Cácama, 1517, ii. 23; designs of, ii. 23-4; Cortés rewards, ii. 24-5; kingdom of divided, ii. 26; palaces sacked, ii. 225; reception of, 1526, ii. 240-1.
Iztapalapan, description of, i. 272-3; Cortés reduces, i. 574-5; Sandoval captures, i. 625.
Iztli, native weapons of, i. 88, 382, 404, 551.
Izúcar, attack on, 1811, iv. 349-50; engagement at, 1812, iv. 365.


Jackson, President A., Mex. policy, 1836, v. 313-15, 324-7.
Jalancingo, captured by Sandoval, 1520, vi. 557.
Jalapa, Cortés reaches, 1519, i. 193; annual fair at, 1720-77, hi. 219-20; trade of, iii. 220; luxury of, iii. 220; declared a city, 1794, iii. 220; coat of arms, iii. 220; beset by revolutionists, 1812, iv. 404; Bravo's attack on, iv. 473-4; constitution of 1812 proclaimed at, iv. 698; occupied by Santa Anna, 1821, iv. 723; Santa Anna's defeat at, 1822, iv. 791-2; revolution of, 1829, v. 88-93; captured by the French, 1863, vi. 117; surrendered by imperialists, 1866, v. 262.
Jalisco, Francisco Cortés visits, 1524, ii. 60-3; Guzman prepares to invade, ii. 293-4; expeditions against, 1530, ii. 355-6; rovalist cause in, iv. 205; revolt in, 1832, v. Ill, 114; map of, v. 230; revolt at, 1844, v. 265; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 256-7.
Jalon, Col J., command of, iv. 159; operations at Calderon, iv. 253-4.
Jamaica, English capture, 1655, iii. 143; attempt to retake, 1657, iii. 143.
Janicho, Fortress, capture of, 1817, iv. 654.
Japan, embassy from, visits Mex. iii. 3; Vizcaino visits, 1611, 4.
Jaral, Marqués de, treasure of, captured, iv. 670.
Jaramillo, Capt., evacuation of Mex., i. 477, 479, 655; siege of Mex., i. 655.