Page:Volunteering in India.djvu/133

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volunteering in india

rather than ignore the inexorable law of Fate, and disown his tenets.

Be that, however, as it may, and hard as the struggle must have been to him, he resigned himself to his “fate,” and with meek dignity submitted to his bitter destiny. And the history of this dishonourable dethronement has not only passed into the traditional history of Hindustan, but also into that of the Mahomedan nations of Asia — where, we may rest assured, it will never be forgotten to be handed down hereafter, from generation to generation.

If I could peer into the dim and distant future, and venture to prophesy, I would venture to foretell that, in after ages, when glorious India, in her regeneration, and under happier auspices, has grown up to maturity, and risen to the zenith of her destiny in becoming one of the grandest empires on earth, her posterity, instructed by Hindu tradition, will learn that the annexation policy of the East India Company originated the Mutiny, and that that policy was also instrumental in leading the Usurpers of Kingdoms into the realms of oblivion for ever.

Not a man in England would be better satisfied than I should to see the statements contained in this chapter refuted. But, alas! twenty-eight years’ experience, together with having viewed the scene, and taken an active part on the stage myself, enable me to affirm that the plain facts stated are beyond refutation.

Sad as the contents of the above paragraphs are, I yet grieve to leave embalmed within this one — enfolded