Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/178

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human Bones—Our Maſter Sail-maker loſes himſelf in the Woods—Both Veſſels run aground in the Mud—Utenſils of the Savages—Place of the Obſervatory—Variation of the Magnetic Needle—Time of High-water in the Harbour—Departure from Port Dentrecaſteaux—Paſſage through the Straits of Dentrecaſteaux—Fires—Savages ſeen on the Shore—One of them kindles the Fire in different Places—We caſt Anchor in a large Bay at the Entrance of the Straits of Dentrecaſteaux—Excurſion into the Country—Savages found dreſſing their Food at the Fire—The Straits which we had diſcovered receive the Name of the Straits of Dentrecaſteaux—Anchoring Places in this Channel—Excurſions into the Countries ſituated along its Coaſts—Rencounters with the Savages—Departure from the Straits of Dentrecaſteaux.

Port Dentrecaſteaux is ſituated at the fartheſt end of Tempeſt-bay, and forms an almoſt oval baſin, extending about 2,500 toiſes in length towards N.N.E. Its greateſt breadth is about 760 toiſes. The tall foreſts that ſurrounded us on all ſides, and the mountains at no great diſtance from the coaſt, which ſheltered more than one half of the circumference of the harbour, added to the ſecurity of our anchorage. Though
