Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/278

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A booby, of the species pelecanus varius, allowed itself to be caught about sun-set. It differed from the ordinary species, by having a lighter colour. This bird came, without distrust, and sat down on the round top, beside one of the sailors. The species is remarkable for being but little afraid of man: they will even frequently light on one's arm, when presented to them. Their sense of smelling must not be very subtile; for their nostrils consist of but two slight chinks in the upper mandible, which is moveable like that of the parrot.

July 1st. We now believed that we had compleated the survey of this frightful chain of reefs, which obstructs the sea for near 100 marine leagues from the S.E. to the N.W.; and we were 10,000 toises to the northward of them, about noon, when we found ourselves in 18° 50′ of south latitude, and 160° 32′ of east longitude.

We next steered towards the N.N.E. in order to ascertain whether or not those reefs extended to the north-east.

One of the crew, called Moulin, about two o'clock in the afternoon, discovered to the northward, at the distance of 10,000 toises, a little low island covered with very tufted trees, and bordered towards its western side, with reefs, extending towards W.N.W. This island, which is
