Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/28

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eparture from Breſt—Arrival at St. Croix, in the Iſland of Teneriffe—Journey to the Peak of Teneriffe—Reſuſcitation of a Sailor who had been drowned—Some daring Robbers carry off his Clothes—Two of our Naturaliſts are attacked with a ſpitting of Blood, which obliges them to give up their Deſign of Proceeding to the Summit of the Peak—Engliſh Veſſels in the Road of St. Croix—Different Reſults from the Obſervations made in Order to determine the Variations of the Needle—New Eruption of a Volcano to the South-eaſt of the Peak page 33
We depart from Teneriffe, and ſet ſail for the Cape of Good Hope—Obſervations—Splendid Appearance of the Surface of the Sea, produced by phoſphoric Light—The moſt general Cauſe of the Phoſphoreſence of the Sea-water aſcertained—Four of our Sheep which we
