Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/30

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ous Swarms of Inſects in our Ship's Biſcuit—Violent Effects of the Surge—The Commander dangerouſly wounded—Luminous Points at the Extremity of the Conductors—Large phoſphoreſcent Corpuſcles—In Conſequence of an erroneous Obſervation taken by Willaumez we enter by Miſtake into Tempeſt Bay inſtead of Adventure Bay—General Obſervations upon the Variations of the Magnetic Needle—Gradual Diminution of the Phoſphoreſcency of the Water, proportionate to our Diſtance from the Land—Courſe of the Currents—We are obliged to heat the Place where our Time-keepers are kept—Anchorage in Port Dentrecaſteaux page 143

Abode at Port Dentrecaſteaux—Signs of the Coaſts being frequented by the Savages—Different Excurſions into the interior Part of the Country—Trees of an enormous Height—Excellence of the Soil—Black Swans—Large Trunks of Trees, hollowed by Fire, ſerve the Natives as Places of Retreat—Kangaroo—Obſervations relating to Comparative Anatomy—Places of Shelter againſt the Wind conſtructed by the Natives—Conſtruction of their Huts—A ſudden Guſt of Wind breaks our Chain—We run aground in the Mud—Meet with a young Savage—Intelligence of a Paſſage by which one may ſail from Tempeſt into Adventure Bay—Huts of the Natives—Phoca Monachus—The Heart of this amphibious Animal has no
