Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/32

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donia—View of the Natives—Prodigious Extent of the Reefs—View of the Land of the Arſacides, and of the Treaſury Iſlands—Coaſting the Weſtern Part of the Iſlands of Bougainville, and Bouka—Dangerous Situation of the Recherche, on the Shoals off the Iſland of Bougainville—Interview with the Savages of Bouka Iſland—Their Taſte for Muſic—Their Treachery—Their Canoes—Determination of ſeveral Points of Bougainville and Bouka Iſlands—Anchor in Carteret Harbour—Several Excurſions on the neighbouring Land—Inceſſant Rain during our Stay at Carteret Harbour—Different Obſervations page 237

Departure from Carteret Harbour—On that Occaſion the Eſperance loſes an Anchor—Paſſage through St. George's Channel—View of the Portland Iſlands—Different Interviews with the Natives of the Admiralty Iſlands—Their fantaſtical Faſhion—Deſpotiſm of their Chiefs—Canoes—Aſtoniſhing rapidity of their Motion View of the Hermit Iſlands—Their Inhabitants—View of the Exchequer Iſlands—A New Iſland—A Water Spout—View of New Guinea—Paſſage through Pitt Strait—Singular Effects of the Tides—Ravages of the Scurvy—Anchor at Amboyna page 291