Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/450

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guments of our chief surgeon, they, in some months, conceived such an aversion to it, as to give the preference to salted provisions of the worst quality.

We had but few hogsheads of wine remaining, which were fit for use. The only spirituous liquor we could procure was arrack, of which we purchased several hogsheads. Some navigators are too lavish in their praises of that liquor, which is not even so good as middling French brandy.


Departure from Amboyna—Singular Effect of the Tides—View of different Islands—Ravages on Board, by the Species of Cockroach called Blatta Germanica—Run along the South-West Coast of New Holland—Death of the Blacksmith belonging to the Recherche—A Storm drives us towards the Coast—We anchor in Legrand Bay—The Esperance, while at Anchor, loses two of her Rudder-irons—Her Mooring-chain gives Way—Different Excursions on the neighbouring Land—New Species of Swan—Sea-salt found at more than one hundred Toises in perpendicular Height—That Phœnomenon accounted for—Citizen Riche loses himself on the Continent more than two
