Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 1 (Stockdale).djvu/491

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three lower ones are equal among themselves, strait and terminated by a point.

The superior border of the vexillum is hollowed, and almost entirely covers the alæ of the carina.

The stamina, which are fix in number, are all separated from one another.

The ovarium is oval, elongated, and terminated by a recurvated style.

The pod is oval, and filled with a great number of black and almost spherical seeds.

This plant is perennial, and its leaves are simple, alternate, sessile, coriaceous, long, dentated, and have two little spines for stipulæ.

The form of the leaves has induced me to delineate this species, under the name of chorizema elicifolia.

Explanation of the Figures. Plate XXI.

Fig. 1. The plant.

Fig. 2. The flower.

Fig. 3. The expansion of the petals.

Fig. 4. The stamina; the corolla and the calix having been removed.

Fig. 5. The ovarium.

Fig. 6. The pod.

Very early in the morning the Esperance had sent a boat to the main land, with a view to some
