Page:Voyage in search of La Perouse, volume 2 (Stockdale).djvu/12

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—Various Excursions into the neighbouring Country—Interview with the Natives—They had left their Weapons in the Woods, and resumed them on their Return—We anchor in Adventure Bay page 68

Departure from Adventure Bay—We pass close by the North End of New Zealand—Interview with the Inhabitants—Discovery of several Islands hitherto unknown—Anchor at Tongataboo, one of the Friendly Islands—Eagerness of the Natives to come on board and furnish us with fresh Provision—We salt a great Number of Hogs—The Islanders greatly addicted to Theft—One of our Sentinels knocked down in the Night by a Native, who stole his Musket—The Assassin delivered to General Dentrecasteaux by King Toobou, who restores the Musket that had been stolen—Queen Tiné comes on board—Toobou gives a Feast to the General—Queen Tiné also does the same—The Smith of the Recherche is knocked down with Clubs by the Natives, who afterwards strip him, in open Day, in Sight of our Vessels—Some young Bread-Fruit Trees are taken on board to enrich our Colonies with this valuable Production page 85
Departure from Tongataboo—We get Sight of the Southern Part of the Archipelago of the Tierra del Espiritu Santo, (New Hebrides)—Discovery of the Island of Beaupré—We Anchor at New Caledonia
