Page:Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World in the Years 1791–95, volume 1.djvu/145

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four hands keeping clofe by the (liorc as we walked, k'fl vc might require fupport, or it fliould be ncccd'aiy to retreat. Every one had orders to be prepared, but on no account, to make ufe of their arms, until I Ihould give direftions, which, at this time, I had not the nioft diflant idea would become necefTarv. When our little party firll fat off, feveral of them collected large flicks, which they fwung over their heads, as if they had fome intention of ufing them. He who had received the Hones from the old man, had them now fixed, one at each end, to a large ftick about two feet in length. Not liking thefe appearances, we had fome thoughts of embarking; but, on our fuddenly facing about, they retired up the beach to a fire which fome of them had jufl made. Mr. Johnfton fol- lowed them fingly, but was not in time to difcover the method by which it had been fo quickly produced. His prefence feemed rather to difpleafe them, on which he returned, and we again proceeded along the beach, making figns of our intention to accompany them on the other fide of the bay. Fourteen only followed, the reft remained at the fire. Thofe who had not fpears fubftituted the drift wood on the beach for their weapons ; yet as our party confifted of nine, all well armed, we entertained no fear for our perfonal fafety, efpecially as every thing had been ftudioufly avoided that we imagined might give them offence, and the various pre- fents they had received had apparently purchafed their good opinion and friendlhip, until now that we had reafon to believe the contrary by their providing themfelves with bludgeons. Having walked about half round the bay, we arrived at the fpot behind which, from the ma ft head, inland water had been feen. As we proceeded up the beach we found it to be a large (heet of water, which took a weftern direftion round a hill that prevented our feeing its extent. At the upper end of *' 's lake, the country appeared very pleafant, and level. The water feemed of a rcd- difh colour and was brackifti, which was moft probably occafioned by the fait water oozing through the beach, which at this place is not more than twenty yards wide : or by its having fome communication with fea to the weftward, which v/e did not perceive. We tried to explain to the natives who ftill attended us, that the water was not fit to drink, and tlien returned to the fea lidc; when, abreaft of the boat, they became Vol. I. N very 89 1701. November.