Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/120

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'70 Decern

in pieces, and (livi(l< d amongfl I'eyen different chiefs; at lead it was lb underftood by thofc in the boat from the language and figns which the cliief made ufe of.

After this converfation the favages came in great numbers towards the fca fide, and tlirew flones at the party in the boat, who fired feveral times and at length obliged them to retire. Finding their errand to be completely fruitlels, the boat returned on board, in which the old chief re-embarked, ami the veflel bore away to land him agreeably to a former promife at Attowai; but when they were about 5 or 6 leagues to leeward of Woahoo, about five in the evening, the old chief made a fudden fpring overboard, and fwam from the (liip, which was inftantlv brought to, but on finding that he Hill continued to fwim from them, without the lealt inclination of returning on board, they filled their fails, and having then no bufinefs at Attowai, they made the befl of their way towards Nootka, agreeably to my direftions.

On the 13th of June they made the American coaft; the wind hav- ing been conltantly in the N.v^^ quarter, they were not able to fetch liigher up than the latitude of 41° 30', from whence they beat to windward the reft of the vay to Nootka, where they arrived on the 4th of July. In compliance with a letter of inftruQions left by the late com- mander of the Dxdalus in his bureau, addrefied to Mr. Thomas New in cafe of his death, Mr. New opened the difpatches addreffed to me from the Lords of the Admiralty, and agreeably with the dire6lions they contained, he delivered to Sen'- Quadra, the commanding officer at that port, the letter therein inclofed, and addreffed to him from the Spa- riilh minifter.

Thus conclude all the matters and tranfaftions of our voyage up to the end of the year 1792. In the following chapter I fhall refume the narrative of our proceedings at Monterrey. "I-' CHAPTER