Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/197

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Arrive off Mowee — Particulars relative to the murder of Lieutenant Her- gejl, Mr. Gooch, and others — Converfation re/fieSltng a peace xvtth Owhyhee — Re afons for fending the Chatham to Nootka — The peace ac- ceded to by the chiefs — Informaiion acquired by an excurfion of the boats— Dcpa rt urefrom Mozvee. iuuJ.iy 10. XjY (lay-light in tlic morning of flie loih of march we were well in with thecaflcrn (horcs of Mowee, extendingfrom s. 8o w. to n. i6 k.; the ncarcft Hiore bore by compafs n. 62 w. about a le?^gue diflant. I was not certain whether the northernmod land thus fcen, formed the cailcrn extremity of Mowee or not; from the direction of the coafl it fo appeared, but its didance to windward of us was fo great, that it would have required foine time to have afeertained the fad, and as we could not accomplifli tho examination of both fides of the idand on this occafion, I availed mvfelf of the prevailing favorable breeze, and bore away along the coall about 2 miles from the Ihore. 'I'his took a direc- tion s. 72 w. diflant 16^ miles from hence to the fouth point of the ifland; which is according to our obfervations fituated in latitude 20° 34', longitude 203" 36'. Notwithdanding that the appearance of Mowee at a didance has been very accurately reprcfented by Captain King; yet, as we had an oppor- turiit)' of being better acquainted with this part of the ifland than thofe on board the Refolution or Difcovery on that voyage, it may be ufeful to remark. th;u the part we were abrcad of at day-light in the morning, though terminating very abruptly in the ocean, and though its furface was