Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/303

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capable of performing no oilier fcrvice llian that of fiflimg in the fmall flreams, that are frequently met with at the head of thefe canals. At tlie mouth of the creek were a great number of wicker fifh pots, which ititluced the party to afk for lomeihing to eat, but inllead of fifh, the natives brought them a kind of pafle or bread, fuppofed to be made from the inner rind of tiie pine. 1 heir language was quite new to our party, and they appeared to be totally unacquainted with that of Nootka.

From this curious place of refidence Mr. J<»hn(lone came back along the caflcrn fliorc, and about five miles from the termination of the canal he obferved the latitude to be 52" j'. About fevcn the next morning (iftof June) the arm Icatling to the north-eallward was entered; this was found about i mile and a quarter wide, lying in a direction of N. 62 R. from its north point of entrance ; and, at the diOance of eleven miles it terminated in the ulualway; in latitude 52° 26', longitude 233" 16'. Here was another habitation of the fame fort. Having now completed the examination of this branch, the party returned along its northern fhores, and at the point of entrance Mr. Johnflone found my direftions to return to the velfcls, which they reached in the forenoon of the next day. In their way they faw feveral bears ; two young cubs were killed, and proved excellent eating.

I now direfted Mr. Johnflone to proceed immediately and examine the arm leading to the north north-weflward, which I had paffcd on the forenoon of the 7th ; to follow it as far as it might lead, or his provisions allow, and to return to its entrance, where he would find the vcffels at anchor near the two fmall illands; but in the event of his bufinefs being finiflied belbre the fliips fliould arrive, he was to leave a note on the northernmofl of the iflands, mentioning his arrival and departure, and proceed to the furvey of the coalt further to theweflward, and to gain every inlbrmation with refpeft to the channel we had dif- covercd leading to fea. Wiih thefe dircftions, and a week's provifions, attended by Mr. Barrie in the Difcovery's fmall cutler, he departed in the forenoon.

I had intended to proceed with the fliips the next morning, but on vifiling the obfervatory, I found another day'b- corrcfpouding altitudes N n 2 would Junr.