Page:Voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world in the years 1791-95, volume 2.djvu/306

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170'?. Iniu-. t ui.iuJ I 1. vv. Mil. IJ, Till' variation by two compafTcs taken on fliorc, difTcring in fw fits iVoni 17' .}</ to 20" 28', gave a mean refclt of 19" 15', eaflwardly. 'I'lu' tUi(i was found to rife and fall fourteen feet, the night tides weitt in general one foot higher than in the day time, the flood came from the louih, and it was high water at tlic time the moon palfed the me- ridian. The winds were light and variable, attended with rainy unpleafant ^•eatllcr; we continued under fail all night, and with the affi (lance of the ebb tide the next morninij reached Filher's canal. A moderate brec/e fpringing up from the s. s.w. we direftcd oiu" courfe to the north- wanl, antl by noon arrived in 'he arm of the inlet that had been difco- vcred by the boats to lead iaio the fea. Our oblerved latitude at this time beir.:'- -.2" 12, agreed very nearly with our former obfervations. The favorable breeiie foon left us, and at three o'clock we anchored within a cable's length of the wcflcrn fhorc in 58 fathoms water, about a league to the fouthward of the Indian village on the detached rock. 'J'hough it was not in fight from the fliip, yet our arrival was not long indaiown to its inhabitants, feveral of whom catue off, and brought in their canoes fea otter and cnher (kins to exchange for iron and copper; the articles j)rincipally in requefl amongll them. All their dealings were carried on with confidence, and with the ftrii-lell honelly. A fniall flreain of tide making in our favor, we weighed, and although ve had the afTidance of all our boats a-head until ni-ar midnight, we did not advance above a mile before we were obliged to anchor again near the W' (Urn Ihore in 53 fathoms water. In this fituation we remained until eit^hl in the morning of the 12th, when we j)roceeded ; but fa (lowly, that at noott the village bore wed of us at the didance of about half a mile, and the rendc/.vous aj)pointed with Mr. JohnRone neatly in the fame direi-lion about a league further, 'i'his we reached by fix in the evening, and anchored in 22 fathoms water, (leadying the (hip by a hawlerto a tice, on the northernmoll iOand; where 1 found a note from Mr. Johndone, dating that he had quitted that (latioit at three o'clock un luoiulav afterniH)!!, aiitl had proceeded in the examination oi the arm before